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Spectre (2015) - Review

Spectre is the last entry of Daniel Craig as James Bond and it is about him trying to uncover the secret organization Spectre, teased in the previous films, all the while their MI6 division is on the brink of being decommissioned.

Now I've never been a HUGE bond fan or anything like that. I always kinda enjoyed them but never too much until the Craig Bond movies. His movies were just different and more suited for my style of liking and I became fan. Naturally, I was super excited to see how they end it up and unfortunately, they went out in a whimper instead of a bang.

Don't get me wrong, there is plenty some in the movie. Daniel Craig again was great as James Bond, although looking a bit old now, which makes it good that this is his last film as Bond. Other MI6 operatives who resume their roles from Skyfall like Ralph Fiennes as the new M, Ben Wishaw as Q etc were pretty good and gave a team feel to the film. Lea Seydoux definitely looked the part for a bond girl, and she was mostly alright in her role.

Sam Mendes again showed that he can direct a beautiful looking film. Skyfall looked awesome and this looks even better. Amazing cinematography, tons of wide shots and fewer cuts and all that goodness. The action scenes were really beautifully shot. I mean this movie is gorgeous to look at times, especially in scenes like when we first meet the villain, so pretty.

On the bad side, the movie had some big issues. The story and its flow wasn't handled too well, especially considering another movie released last year had almost the same plot and it did it in a far more better way, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Because of this, the pacing felt like a mixed bag. Good looking action sequences sprinkled over story development scenes which just weren't interesting enough and gave the movie this feeling that it lacked energy. Not to mention the stupid romance subplot which was so rushed and happens so quickly, you're like "Seriously?". And lastly, my biggest issue with the movie, the villain. They had fucking Christoph Waltz, amazing actor who could have played a perfect bond villain but instead they handled him really poorly. He's hardly in the movie and when he is on screen, he doesn't emit the kind of presence the movie wants him to. Felt like such a waste. Was really disappointed by this aspect.

All in all, Spectre felt more like a disappointment overall cause I was expecting more considering it was the last part, everything was building upto this and Sam Mendes was again directing since Skyfall was awesome, Or for the fact that this is the first time Judi Dench is not playing as M, just doesn't feel the same without her. The movie has some redeeming qualities which keeps it from falling into total mediocrity, and which is why I still enjoyed it to some extent. If you're a bond fan or especially Craig bond fan, then this is a surely worth a try, just keep your hopes down.



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